002: Small Change, Big Difference: Recycle More
July 28, 2020 by Jennifer Granemo
Many are easily overwhelmed by the idea of adopting a more sustainable lifestyle. When we first think about it, some of the changes can seem big and daunting. At Happy Eco, our secret is to start small and simple by changing little habits that will make a more significant difference over time. One of our favorite ways to accomplish this is to recycle more.
Is it Cheaper to Recycle?
You may hear claims that with some materials, like paper, it's more costly to recycle. For example, some say that because we have a lot of trees and forests, we don't need to recycle paper and that we can simply plant a new tree. However, it's cheaper and more energy-efficient to recycle paper packaging than making paper from new, raw material.
Because of this fact — and because trees make us happy — all of our products come in 100% recyclable packaging, and we encourage our Happy Eco community always to choose to recycle.
Tips on How to Recycle Better
Here are our top tips on making recycling and a more sustainable lifestyle a part of your daily routine.
Tip 1: Just Say No
Sometimes the best thing we can do is to avoid single-use items as much as possible. These items include plastic bottles, straws, bags, and cutlery. Instead, choose reusable and eco-friendly alternatives, or bring your own!
Tip 2: Create a Sorting System
To help encourage yourself to recycle more, make it easy by creating a sorting system within your house, and work as you go! Have a different spot for different materials, like paper, plastic, metal, and glass (unless your city has single-stream recycling). Remove all lids as you go, as they're usually a different material (such as a glass jar with a lid made of metal).
Tip 3: Research and Learn
If you doubt that something can be recycled, think again! More items than you think can be recycled, so before you resort to the trash, dig a little deeper. And while you're at it, learn about the impacts of recycling. By recognizing the positive changes, you'll stay motivated and focused on taking the time and making an effort for change.
The Greatest Myth — I'm Only One Person
If you're thinking, "It doesn't matter if I choose to recycle or not," you've fallen for the greatest myth! That thought is incorrect — it absolutely does matter, and even one small act can make a big difference.
At Happy Eco, we believe that we’re in this together. So to make a significant, collective change, we need as many people as possible. If we fall for the myth that one person can’t make a difference, then nothing would ever change! Recycling one more thing, just one more time, can lead to doing it more and more and inspiring others around you.